recent shopify setup and design

Graphic Designers are trained to be able to inform, persuade, direct, organize, entertain, and attract attention with their designs. They combine art and technology in order to communicate a message. They do this through the strategic placement of images and text.
1. SAVE TIME | You have enough on your plate already, do you really have time to spend trying to come up with designs for your logo, brochures or powerpoint templates? Secrets to Chic can design or format a marketing document in a quarter of the time it will take you to do it yourself,
2. SAVE MONEY | Secrets to Chic has experience with cost effective ways to design your materials to keep your printing costs to a minimum. By the time you've been able to create a layout using Microsoft Publisher, Secrets to Chic would be able to design a proper file in their graphic suite of software.
3. HELPS YOU STAND OUT FROM THE REST | Having a template logo or look and feel you bought cheap online is not going to help you stand out from your competition. The only way people are going to remember you and your business is if your materials stand out compared to the rest. Having a distinct brand is what is going to raise your business above your competition.
4. KEEPS YOUR LOOK CONSISTENT | If you've gone through the effort of hiring a designer, but then try to mimic their work on your own, your look and feel may lose it's edge by being inconsistent. Secrets to Chic knows which fonts to use where, will keep font sizes and colours consistent and ensure the overall look and feel of your materials will consistently capture your brand.
5. HELP YOU GET THE RESULTS YOU WANT | Many clients have an idea of what they want, but have no way to convey their ideas. Secrets to Chic ensures that your end results will not only look the way you want but will help achieve the goals you set out for your own business materials.